Astra Sparks

Legal Notices


Even though some information is true or based on real-life events or locations, Astra Sparks’s stories are fictional; therefore, characters, locations, and plots have all been created for entertainment purposes, and they should not be taken seriously.

Astra Sparks cannot guarantee that every reader will agree with her characters’ point of view, or with the storytelling. Some characters and plots might shock, offend, or displease people. Readers should be aware of this fact and make their own judgment and decision.

Sometimes, Astra Sparks might use celebrity names or trademarks in her stories or on her website. Therefore, since these names are used for the sole purpose of entertaining the readers, none of them constitutes or implies an endorsement by the writer.

Although they have been reviewed by the author, the stories or the website’s posts may contain mistakes. Therefore, readers can come across errors, inaccuracies, or omissions. If you see careless mistakes and wish to report them to the writer, please send an email to Otherwise, Astra Sparks possesses the right to correct any mistake and update her stories at her convenience without words of warning.

Astra Sparks’s website is not a place for judgment, hatred, or verbal violence. In this regard, the author will delete any hurtful and disrespectful comment at her convenience without words of warning.

Astra Sparks is not responsible for any computer problem that may arise when or after one has visited her website or downloaded a file. However, if one experiences problems when downloading a story, please send an email to

Once someone has bought an e-book, no refund or exchange is possible. Once the story is yours, it is yours forever.


Astra Sparks owns all of her stories and website’s posts, and she possesses all of their rights; every word that appears in her stories and on her website is copyrighted and protected under the Canadian Copyright Act and other countries’ copyright laws.

Since all rights are reserved by Astra Sparks, no one other than Astra Sparks has the right to copy, reproduce, or share her work or a part of her work in any form, whether it is electronic or printed, without the prior written permission of the writer. People who do not observe the copyright laws will be prosecuted.

For more information on copyright laws in English-speaking countries, please visit these websites:


United States:

United Kingdom:

Document Sharing

Astra Sparks considers all of her stories as her life source; every word she has written represents a crumble of her bread and butter, and every destiny she has created represents a piece of her dream. Astra Sparks has spent long hours to assemble these crumbles and pieces together, and to give life, her life, to all of her stories.

Therefore, if you wish for her success and care to support her lifelong dream, please do not share with others your owned copies, copies you have bought on Amazon, or do not download pirated copies you may find on other websites.

All of Astra Sparks’s stories and website’s posts are copyrighted and protected under the Canadian Copyright Act. Therefore, if you have downloaded a copy from any website other than Amazon, you have downloaded a pirated copy for which you do not have the rights. Please delete this pirated copy and notify the author by sending an email to And, if you realize that you cannot live without Astra Sparks’s stories, please buy an original copy on Amazon, or make a donation via Ko-fi. Everyone who enjoys Astra Sparks’s work should buy their own copy, which is more than affordable.

For further information about disclaimers, copyrights, or document sharing, or for any question about the writer’s work, send an email to